Most Cosponsored House Bills through 21 November 2014

With Veterans Day falling on Tuesday last week there were only three days during which cosponsors were added to bills. Between 12 November and 14 November there were 628 cosponsors added to 247 different bills. The biggest cosponsor getter was Rep. David Joyce’s (R-OH) H.Res. 755, supporting the goals and ideals of American Education Week, not be confused with H.R. 755, a top 25 list member.

The biggest increase of cosponsors for a House Bill was for H.R. 4960, Rep. Todd Young’s (R-IN) Charitable Automobile Red-Tape Simplification Act of 2014 or the CARS Act of 2014. H.R. 4960 gained 20 cosponsors putting it behind H.Res. 755, H.Res. 728, and H.Res. 281 in terms of cosponsors added last week, but pushing it over a majority of the House in terms of co-sponsorship. With a total of 230 cosponsors, H.R. 4960 is 21 cosponsors out of 25th place for the Congress.
Continue reading Most Cosponsored House Bills through 21 November 2014

Most Cosponsored House Bills as of 14 November 2014

H.R. 1563 Cosponsor timeline showing large bump in cosponsorships after the election recess.
H.R. 1563 Cosponsor timeline showing large bump in cosponsorships after the election recess.
Congress is back in session and cosponsors are being added to bills again for the first time since September. Through Friday, 14 November, there was no change in the membership of the top 25 most-cosponsored bills in the US House, but there was some minor reshuffling of the order within the top 25. H.R. 2366 jumped into a four-way tie for 13th place with 301 cosponsors by merely adding one cosponsor. H.R. 1563 jumped three spots from 25th to 22nd by adding 20 new cosponsors. This prompted H.Res. 434, H.R. 543, and H.R. 721 to all fall one spot.

Last week there were 166 new bills introduced in the House. There were 1,357 new non-original cosponsors added to 446 different bills in the House. H.Res. 620 and H.R. 5403 tied for the largest number of House cosponsors added last week with 43 each – eight cosponsors more than the next highest recipient, H.R. 5441 with 35.
Click here for the top 25 bills list, along with links to graphs and maps for each bill

US House Cosponsorship Data Shows Increasing Polarization

The Caning of Sen. Sumner
Lithograph of Preston Brooks’ 1856 attack on Sumner. Source: wikipedia
Previously, I posted a list of those Representatives in each party that were least likely to cosponsor bills authored by a member of an opposing party. This led me to ask: Has the level of bipartisan cooperation changed over time as demonstrated by Representatives partnering with members of the opposing party to promote specific legislation?

The data arguably supports the popular belief that Congress has become more polarized since the 1980s.

I generally scoff at those who would say that we are more polarized as a nation now that at any time in our history. I think that ignores the troubled first century of our nation’s existence. Unlike the antebellum years, Representatives do not go armed to the Floor in fear of violence from their colleagues, and no one has been caned on the Floor in living memory. Click here to see more charts and data…

Which Representatives support the fewest bills from the other party? How did they fare in 2014?

What can legislative cosponsorship data show us about the willingness of members to work across the aisle in Congress? How bipartisan are various Representatives?

Rep. Huelskamp (R-KS): Least likely R to support a D bill.
Rep. Huelskamp (R-KS): Least likely R to support a D bill.
Looking at the cosponsorship data to date in the 113th Congress, those Representatives least likely to cosponsor bills authored by Democrats also tend to be names prominently associated with Tea Party or conservative politics. Likewise, some Democrats from more conservative, rural, or Republican-leaning districts co-sponsor more Republican bills than Democratic bills.

Democrats that supported Republican bills did not fare very well in the 2014 elections. Three of the 10 members with the most Republican bills were defeated and an additional three retired. Republicans that stuck to Republican bills were handily reelected, as were Democrats that stuck to Democratic bills. Those Republicans with the highest percentage of Democratic bills also fared well.
Continue reading. A table detailing the 20 most and least bipartisan cosponsors follows in the full post…