Intermodal Politics – The Cargo Container as a Soapbox

Is the intermodal container the new political soapbox?In my lobbying practice I have represented many infrastructure and transportation clients. As a former campaign advance man I’ve dealt with the logistics of moving a candidate using cars, buses, trains, planes, and even the occasional watercraft. Transportation has received short shrift in Congress and on the campaign trail and this is remarkable given the key role that transportation plays in getting elected.

Photograph of President Reagan on the "Whistle Stop Tour" through Ohio, 12 Oct. 1984 (
Photograph of President Reagan on the “Whistle Stop Tour” through Ohio, 12 Oct. 1984 (

American presidential campaigns use their own campaign versions of Air Force One to jet from one rally to another.   Campaigns for state-wide office regularly feature “bus tours” and general aviation resources to transport candidates. Railroad “whistle-stop” tours have been a part of the American political consciousness since the 1800s.  Continue reading…